

work in progress,
coming soon!
*Je ne sais pas pourquoi, le blogspot n'affiche plus les photos en vraie couleur depuis quelque temps, plus sombre. 
Quelqu'un sait pourquoi?

7 commentaires:

  1. Lovely, it already looks great.

    I think it's because the resolution they have in blogger is quite low, the same pictures looks very different in flickr ( where they give priority to the images). I noticed that too, it's been since they changed to the new version.

    1. Thanks Alessandra! There was no problem on blogspot before, it is only since qeulques weeks that Images do not appear correctly .. it means that blogspot does not more attention on the quality of Image??

    2. it's been going on for a while, quite few people complaint about it. It has something to do with compression...the images look fuzzy. There's no way the blogger team will give an explanation, so people are leaving the platform. What's the point to sweat so hard to take nice images. You did right and I've been thinking to change for ages now...perhaps the time has come for me too.

  2. ta photo semble tirée d'un rêve...beau beau beau!

  3. De superbes données peuvent être trouvées sur votre blog Web. Continuez votre bon travail.
